Thursday, January 8, 2009

Day 9 of Eating Plan

What works for me is to have a plan. I know some people hate routines and predictability. My mother can't stand to cook something the same way two times in a row -- too boring for her. But for me, when I have a plan, and don't have to make a decision about something in the midst of it, I do MUCH better.

This works with meal planning. After a busy day, going to the kitchen at 5:30 with nothing planned is the biggest drag. LaRosa's has made many a pizza for this household when I couldn't think of something to cook, or nothing was defrosted, etc.

It also works with daily eating, from the schedule to the actual food. I eat at 6:30, 9:30, 12:30, 3:30, and 6:30, and I know what I am going to eat at each of those times. At this point, my diet each day is identical to the day before. This is not a permanent arrangement, but it is necessary for now.

I worked out with my trainer today and we chatted about my food intake. I have been having trouble getting all the meals in because I haven't been anticipating well enough. It's not enough to plan to eat at 9:30. I need to think about where I'll be right before and after that. Even being at home today, I didn't get this meal in until 10:45.

So, I need to fine-tune the plan. Create a checklist of each item and when I will eat it. To some, that may sound just entirely too anal, but for me, in order to take care of myself, I MUST be deliberate about making it happen. Otherwise, at the pace life happens around here, hours go by and I realize I've missed another meal.

I'm sticking with my plan and seeing results!

Today's workout: 1 hour with personal trainer, focusing on legs and abs, including 15 trips up and down two flights of stairs! 32 minutes of interval training on the treadmill.
Listened to while working out: Talked with trainer. So much on my mind right now didn't need the additional distraction of the music.
Weight: 154.2
Water intake: Met goal of 1.5 gallons.
Feeling stronger today? Not only did I show that I am "hard as nails" (my trainer's words), I also changed my first flat tire on my own, in the snow. So, YES.

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