Monday, January 5, 2009

Day 6 of my Eating Plan . . .

and as hard as this is, the pounds should be falling off by the hour!

My first trainer told me not to weigh myself every day. Too much fluctuation up and down and can be discouraging. Yes, indeed.

But really I think I'm just impatient. It's hard to remember that I didn't put on this extra weight in a week, and it's not going to come off in a week, either.

One thing that keeps me going when I am struggling is knowing that I am getting stronger, both in my body and in my mental strength, by continuing on with what I have agreed to.

And I know the weight will come off. It's just important to take it one day at a time. One meal at a time, actually.

Today's exercise: 35 minutes on the treadmill, doing interval training part of the time. I chose to fastwalk the last half of the workout because my knees are 47 years old and need to be taken good care of so they will last for many more years. I find that jogging every day is too hard on them.
Today's weight: 157
Listened to while I was on the treadmill: Over the Hedge was playing in the background.
Feelin' stronger today? Yes.

1 comment:

  1. Did you cook the chicken before you ate him?

    John Meyer
